Welcome to Magpiny's site
Magpiny is an experienced software engineer who has worked with a couple of web technologies, programming languages and desktop application technologies producing quality work for clients.
Magpiny is an experienced software engineer who has worked with a couple of web technologies, programming languages and desktop application technologies producing quality work for clients.
My favourite markup language for the web
This website is styled in vanilla CSS3, zero frameworks
JavaScript is my favourite programming language
The best language for scientific computing at the moment.
My favourite programming language at the moment
"I bet I'll never understand lifetimes"
Reactjs is still my favourite frontend library, because i'm yet to try others
My blog is written entirely in Nextjs, i like it
My favourite python web framework for backend and fullstack websites
My favourite JavaScript backend library. I like the fact that there's a million ways of messing up in this library, a weakness and a strength for that matter.
My favourite C++ GUI library, the closest GUI lib to C++
Qt (cute) as cute as its name sounds is my other worthy alternative for C++ GUI
My favourite database esp for local persistent storage
Equally good for almost every use case
I use this frequently in my production apps
Learning containerization technologies, images and container orchestration
I guess I'll never know bash completely